
BLOG: Making the most of your conference experience

BLOG: Making the most of your conference experience

Making the decision to attend showcases and conference sessions is a great way to build and grow your career in the music industry. But how do you make the most of it? We’ve compiled some tips as you prepare to hit the ground running in Charlottetown next week.

Attend Conference Sessions

A great way to get to know the delegates is to catch them at their conference sessions. This year we have added the Festival Symposium on Friday May 3 at 4PM in the Delta Prince Edward - Aspen Room! These roundtable networking sessions will be attended by a stellar and diverse line-up of regional, nation and international festival programmers aimed to build new business connections and meet new colleagues.

TIP: Check out the full ECMA conference schedule to find out where some of the top delegates will be speaking this year!

Do Your Research

Whether you have been scheduled for one-on-one meetings, plan to take in conference sessions or have a showcasing spot, it's important to be prepared and learn about the people you are going to meet. Think of it like a job interview - browse the delegate listings on the ECMA website and visit the website & socials of the people you plan to meet. Learn as much as you can to understand what they are working on and what they might be looking for. Set goals, know your audience, and come to your meetings understanding who you are and how you can help them.

Make Connections

In the music industry, much like in life, it's a lot about who you know. Attending conference sessions and networking events is a great opportunity to build your network - but treating each interaction like a business deal is not the way. It’s important to build connections and opportunities at ECMA as you would any other relationship or friendship - be yourself, listen and find common ground. Get to know people on a human level to earn an opportunity to share more about your music or your project at the next meeting.


So you went to ECMA, and met a ton of amazing people, what’s next? Be sure to keep track of who you met with and follow-up with them! A personalized “thank you” will go a long way in building a long-term relationship. Not all relationships turn into deals, but leaving a positive impression will last long into the future.

We can’t wait to see you in Charlottetown for ECMA 2024!

For more information about this year’s ECMA Industry Conference, click here.

Don’t forget to pre-register for select 2024 sessions here.

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